Famliy bicycling in the dunes

Important changes in 2020


The start of a new year is often reflected in changes in regulations surrounding health care, allowances and taxes in the Netherlands. This year, we also expect some changes to take place right here, in The Hague.

Nationwide changes

Health insurance & salary thresholds

2020 brings changes to salary thresholds as well as some changes to the Dutch health care system. There are new salary thresholds that affect Highly Skilled Migrants using the 30% ruling, Blue Card holders and Graduates.

On the health care front, our partner, Healthcare for Internationals, have published a list of changes surrounding Dutch health insurance in 2020.

Positive changes affecting families

Good news for families– the childcare allowance is increasing. Also, as of July 2020, new fathers will be eligible for five extra weeks of paternal leave paid at 70% of their salary.

Self-employed internationals will also benefit from a change in legislation that will allow family members to work in paid employment without a work permit.

Tax breaks and reductions

A tax reduction announced in the 2020 Tax Plan will allow for increased savings. The tax break on electric car purchases is still in place, as it was in 2019. Do note that the benefits are lower in 2020 than they were in 2019. Furthermore, a  lower VAT will be applied on e-books and electronic media. This will  result in these media becoming more affordable.

Changes in The Hague

A new mayor

And what changes are awaiting The Hague this year? First of all, The Hague is getting a new mayor in July. All city inhabitants are welcome to attend the public commentary session to discuss the preliminary profile of the new mayor. This event takes place on 29 January.

No more junkmail

The municipality have announced a change regarding unaddressed flyers and free newspapers. As of April, ‘Ja/Ja’ mailbox stickers will be introduced. These stickers, when placed on your mailbox, indicate that you are happy to receive both of these. Not placing this sticker will mean that you will not be receiving any mail not addressed to you personally. The introduction of the ‘Ja/Ja’ sticker will help reduce paper waste.

Paid parking

In 2017, paid parking was introduced in the Havenkwartier, Statenkwartier and Geuzenkwartier neighbourhoods. This experiment has now been concluded as having positive effects to the parking situation in these neighbourhoods. In the Havenkwartier, the paid parking will be further improved starting in April.