Sexual health
Regardless of your age and gender, your GP will be able to help you with questions regarding contraception and family planning. If needed, they can refer you to a specialist for further treatment. Please note that your doctor will not be able to help you with getting tested for STD.
Centre for Sexual Health in The Hague
The Centre for Sexual Health (Centrum Seksuele Gezondheid Haaglanden) offers tests and check-ups for STD free of charge. A referral by your GP is not necessary if you belong to one of their target groups.
The centre goes beyond helping with STD prevention and unwanted pregnancies, as they focus on sex being a pleasurable, positive experience for everybody. If you find yourself struggling with your sexuality, or your sexual relationship with your partner, they may be able to offer assistance. All tests, treatments and consultations are free and anonymous.
If you are or were forced to have sex against your will, you will be able to get medical and psychosocial assistance under full confidentiality.
The Centre for Sexual Health offers the following services:
- STD testing and information
- Contraception
- Pregnancy tests
- Information about STDs, HIV and PEP
- Support discussions for people up to the age of 25 with sexual problems
- Help after sex against your will (medical and psychosocial)
- Hepatitis B vaccinations for men who have sex with men
Centrum Seksuele Gezondheid (GGD Haaglanden)
Westeinde 128
2512 HE Den Haag
Phone: (070) 353 66 88
Email: seksuelegezondheid@ggdhaaglanden.nl
Rutgers: knowledge centre on sexual health and reproductive rights
If you are looking for in-depth information and research reports on sexual health and reproductive rights, Rutgers has fifty years of expertise in the field. The knowledge centre also works together with schools and develops adolescent education programs to prepare youth for safe sex.
STI/AIDS/HIV testing
SoaAids Nederland is one of the major organisations In the Netherlands that focuses on sexual health. On their website you will find more information about safe sex and getting testing throughout the Netherlands. They also offer assistance for people with HIV/AIDS to make sure they get the health care they need, and offer testing for people without a residence permit.