Woman signing a heart with her hands

Donor Register: changes in 2020


On 1 July 2020, the new Donor Act (active donor registration) will come into effect. With the new system, residents who do not indicate their donor preference will automatically be registered as a donor. This applies to everyone, including internationals, over the age of 18, who are registered as a resident in the Netherlands at a municipality.

Whether or not to become a donor is an important choice. Making your choice known at the Donor Register makes it clear for your partner, family, and doctor about your decision on organ donation.

What is the Donor Register

At the Donor Register you can indicate your choice about organ or tissue donation upon your passing. There are four options:

  • Yes, I give permission
    You want to be a donor. You may also indicate specific organs and tissues that may be donated.
  • No, I do not give permission
    You do not want to be a donor.
  • My partner or family will decide
    You want your partner or family to decide for you after your death.
  • A person nominated by me will decide

The Register keeps a record of your choice. It is also important to record your choice in the Donor Register if you do not want to be a donor.


What are the changes in the new Donor Act?

The new Donor Act (active donor registration) will introduce new rules on organ donation. Currently, organ donation can only take place with explicit consent from the donor or their surviving relatives. This will be replaced by a system of active donor registration. That means, people who do not opt for any of the donor options will automatically be registered as a donor. From 1 July 2020, everyone in the Netherlands aged 18 or older will be registered in the Donor Register.

You can always change your choice. You can do that on the Donor Register website or by completing the (paper) form again.


Is my current choice still valid in the new register?

If you have already registered your choice, you do not have to do anything. All choices that are currently in the register remain valid.


For more information, and to register your choice, go to: english.donorregister.nl