
Why should I volunteer?

Are you interested in volunteering? Volunteer The Hague tells you why you should volunteer and how Volunteer The Hague can...

Christmas home away from home

If you are not going abroad to spend Christmas with your family, you can still have a lovely holiday since...

Lights in the night

As days are getting shorter, we try to bring light into the darkness – literally. As soon as Christmas comes...

We Are Public

Want to get unlimited acces to the best art and culture in The Hague? We Are Public offers you access...

Dutch television

Watching television in another country can be really disappointing if you find out there are only a few channels that...

Sint Maarten - the Dutch Halloween

On the evening of 11 November, in some parts of the Netherlands, children carrying lanterns walk in groups and go door-to-door singing age-old folk songs in return for candy. This is to celebrate Saint Martin's day.


Thinking about staying longer in The Hague? Having trouble finding a job because you do not know Dutch? To help...

Can I stay in the Netherlands after graduating?

A very frequently asked question by students is if they can stay in the Netherlands after they graduate. Yes, you can stay here after your studies with the so-called orientation year permit for graduates.

NS season tickets

Travelling by train in the Netherlands is a great way to get around, especially if you want to avoid traffic...