Benefits The Hague region


The Dutch government provides several kinds of financial contributions for citizens and residents in the Netherlands, mostly via the Belastingdienst (Dutch tax office). The benefit (toeslag) system is aimed at supporting people on low incomes by helping them cover basic living costs such as rent, health insurance, childcare and raising children.

There are several benefits in the Netherlands. The following are the most applied for.

Rent benefit (huurtoeslag)

Do you live in a rented house in the Netherlands? If so, you may be entitled to rent benefit. This is a contribution towards your rental costs. In order to qualify for the Dutch rent benefit, you (and your fiscal partner) need to meet the certain conditions. You can apply for rent benefit yourself via the Belastingdienst. You will need a DigiD for this.

Healthcare benefit (zorgtoeslag)

Everyone in the Netherlands aged eighteen and older is obliged to have a healthcare insurance. You may be eligible to get healthcare benefit, a contribution towards the compulsory costs of having a healthcare insurance. Whether you are actually eligible for the healthcare benefit and how high the benefit would be, depends on your income and your household size.

You can apply for healthcare allowance yourself via the Belastingdienst. You will need a DigiD for this.

Child benefit (kinderbijslag)

Child benefit is money from the government towards the expenses of raising a child. If you live or work in the Netherlands and you have a child or children under 18, you will get Dutch child benefit. Child benefit is paid every quarter.

To get child benefit, you need to be insured under the AKW child benefit scheme. You can get child benefit for bringing up and caring for children of your own, but also for:

  • adopted children
  • foster children
  • stepchildren, or
  • other children you bring up and care for as if they were your own children.

The amount of your child benefit depends on the age of your child. You will get a higher amount when your child turns 6. The child benefit will increase again when your child turns 12.

If your child does not live with you because he or she is disabled, and you are faced with high expenses, you may be eligible for child benefit at twice the basic rate.

How to claim Dutch child benefit depends on your situation. Find out how to claim child benefit in your situation here.

Childcare benefit (kinderopvangtoeslag)

Does your child go to a childcare centre? If so, you may be entitled to the childcare benefit. This is a contribution towards the costs of childcare. In order to qualify for the childcare benefit, you (and your fiscal partner) need to meet the certain conditions.

The number of childcare hours for which you may receive the childcare benefit depends on the number of hours worked by the parent with the fewest working hours.

You can apply for childcare benefit yourself via the Belastingdienst. You will need a DigiD for this.

Ooievaars measure for low income households in The Hague

The Municipality of The Hague has taken so-called 'Ooievaars' measures to ensure that everybody is able to participate in society, regardless of their income. Think of measures like an individual income allowance, individual study allowance and contribution for child care for those with welfare benefits.