Religion in the Hague
The Hague is a highly diverse city, with cultures and beliefs from all over the world, and you will find many different houses of worship across the city.
These days, a majority of Dutch adults don’t consider themselves religious, and there is no state religion in the Netherlands. The majority of those that are religious still identify as Christian, even though most don’t worship regularly. Historically, the Netherlands has been predominantly Christian, with regional differences in denominations: While the southern provinces are overwhelmingly Catholic, the north and the west of the country (including The Hague) are traditionally Protestant. Muslims constitute about 6% of the population.
For internationals, there are churches of various denominations with English-language services, as well as other places of worship for non-Dutch speakers. In a country that prides itself for its plurality and multiculturalism, there is room for every expression of faith.
Church of St John and St Philip
Ary van der Spuyweg 1
2585 HP The Hague (near the Peace Palace)
Telephone: +31 (0)70 355 53 59
Email: churchoffice@stjohn-stphilip.org
Website: www.stjohn-stphilip.org
Church of St James
BSN Senior School
Jan van Hooflaan 3
2252 BG Voorschoten
Telephone: +31 (0)71 561 30 20
Email: office@stjames.nl
Website: www.stjames.nl
The Baha’i Faith National Centre
Riouwstraat 27
2585 GR The Hague
Telephone: +31 (0)70 703 55 40 17
Website: www.bahai.nl
Trinity International Church
Gruttolaan 21-23
2261 ET Leidschendam
Telephone: 070 517 80 24
Email: office@trinitychurch.nl
Website: https://trinitychurch.nl/
Ching Chueh Buddhist Association Netherlands
Affiliation: Chinese Mahayana
Soestdijksekade 960
2574 EL The Hague
Telephone: +31 (0)70 330 02 35
Email: info@ekayana.org
Website: www.ekayana.org
Hague Kagyu Practice Group
Affliation: Tibetan, Karma Kagyu (Diamond Way)
Louise Henriëttestraat 24
2595 TH The Hague
Telephone: +31 (0)70 347 38 28
Email: kagyuhaag@diamantweg-boeddhisme.nl
Stichting Sakya Thegchen Ling
Boeddhistisch Dharma Centrum
Tibetaans Boeddhistisch Instituut
Laan Van Meerdervoort 200 A
2517 BJ The Hague
Telephone: +31 (0)6 12 11 67 04
Website: www.sakya.nl
International community
Crossroads International Church of the Hague
Zandvliet College
Bezuidenhoutseweg 40
2594 AW The Hague
Email: info@crossroadschurch.nl
Telephone: +31 (0)70 737 12 52
Website: www.crossroadschurch.nl
Liberal Jewish Congregation
Community Hall: Prinsessegracht 26, 2514 AP The Hague
Synagogue: Jan Evertstraat 7, 2514 BS The Hague
Telephone: +31 (0)70 750 46 80
Website: www.ljgdenhaag.nl
Orthodox Jewish
Cornelius Houtmanstraat 11
2593 RD The Hague
Telephone: +31 (0)70 347 32 01
Website: https://joodsdenhaag.nl
Mobarak Mosque
Oostduinlaan 79
2596 JJ The Hague
Telephone: +31 (0)70 324 59 02
Website: www.alislam.org
Mescidi Aksa Mosque
Wagenstraat 103
2512 AS Den Haag
Telephone: +31 (0)70 363 45 46
Website: www.hdvmescidiaksa.nl
Protestant (English-language)
American Protestant Church of The Hague
Esther de Boer van Rijklaan 20
2597 TG The Hague
Telephone: +31 (0)70 324 44 90
Email: info@americanprotestantchurch.org
Website: http://apch.nl
Roman Catholic (English-language)
Church of Our Saviour
Bezuidenhoutseweg 157
2594 AG The Hague
Telephone: +31 (0)70 328 0816
Email: info@parish.nl
Website: https://parish.nl
Russian Orthodox
Russian Orthodox Church
Obrechtstraat 9
2517 VL The Hague
Telephone: +31 (0)6 41 52 54 42
Website: https://ruskerkdenhaag.wordpress.com
While the Netherlands is home to many religions, many of its public holidays are based on the Christian calendar. If you are looking to meet others in your community outside of a place of worship, find out about social life in the Netherlands, learn more about the Dutch way of living, or read about sports clubs and spectator sports.