Checklist for Statusholders
You are moving to The Hague region! You have a lot of things to plan for your move. Fortunately, not everything has to be handled all at once. Use our checklist to make sure you are keeping track of everything.
Before you move
- Get to know your municipal case manager
- Open a bank account
- Accept housing offer by the municipality
- Prepare the necessary documents
- Arrange transport to The Hague, for example get a OV card.
Upon arrival
- Move in to your new house in The Hague region
- Arrange your utilities
- Find a school or childcare provider for your children with help of your case manager
- Start Inburgeringstraject
Settling in
- Take our Dutch health insurance
- Register with a family doctor, pharmacy and dentist for your medical needs
- Exchange your driving licence
- Apply for a parking permit
- Get a bike or OV card
Work life
- Understand the Dutch tax system
- Know about the Dutch social security system
- Read about employment conditions